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Type 47 and Type 48 are interchangeable.

3d, 7h, 21m
Los Angeles CA, Type 47 Liquor License

GREAT PRICE in Los Angeles

1d, 0h, 27m
Los Angeles CA, Type 47 Liquor License

Start off your new restaurant w/this crazy deal!!!

4d, 13h, 0m

With a Type 47 Los Angeles liquor license you can bring in business by offering customers the ability to order any drink – beer, wine and spirits – at your restaurant. 


The County of Los Angeles is the most populous county in the United States with over 10 million people. You’ll want to be sure you have a Type 47 alcohol license – Los Angeles County restaurants in Long Beach, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, and Santa Clarita are too competitive not to. 


LA tourism is on the rise, as well, thanks to tourist attractions like Hollywood, Universal Studios, Disneyland, and the Santa Monica Pier.  An LA Type 47 liquor license can help you bring those tourists to your tables. 


You can purchase a Los Angeles alcohol license any time of the day or night on our unique online liquor license auction platform. 


This is the same Type 47 liquor license you’d get from the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control.  Los Angeles County liquor licenses permit restaurants to sell all liquor – beer, wine, and spirits – for both onsite consumption and beer and wine “to go” for off-site consumption.


Check pricing, make an offer, or make a bid to buy your Type 47 Los Angeles liquor license now.