Great price for your dream restaurant in Napa!
A highly competitive geographical region for having an alcohol license, Napa business establishments looking to sell liquor must obtain a proper alcohol permit for their business type. In Northern California, you can find Napa County, one of California’s first counties when the state was founded in 1850. While the county is home to close to 136,500, the county seat, Napa, is also the largest city contributing to most of the population. Napa County is renowned for its hundreds of wineries and vineyards. Each year, at the Napa County Fairgrounds, in Calistoga, CA, there is a fair and carnival with a Fourth of July parade.
To help you meet the demand for selling liquor in Napa County, we offer online Napa County liquor license auctions for the following permit types:
Each California liquor license grants the holder the right to sell in a specific California county, such as Napa. Liquor licenses are not transferable between counties. They are, however, transferable between owners, which means you can legally buy or sell any Napa County ABC liquor license.
When purchasing an alcohol license for Napa County, you can receive one directly from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control in California. The alternative route is using the secondary market to choose a professional liquor license broker such as Liquor License Auctioneers.
Since there is a limited capacity of Napa liquor licenses in the county, sometimes the only way to get an alcohol license in Napa County is to go through a liquor license brokerage. There may be times where none are available, and you may have to wait until an individual is willing to sell a liquor license to you in Napa, CA.
This is our sweet spot as experienced liquor license brokers. With our valuable network of connections to business owners and lawyers who specialize in this industry, we have exclusive access to Napa liquor licenses other alcohol license brokerages can’t get their hands on. Check our alcohol license bidding platform to see what Napa liquor licenses are currently available for auction, and if you don’t see the type of alcohol permit you need, we can track one down for you and offer it at an ethical price.
Our experienced liquor license brokers can steer you through the eight-step process of purchasing a Napa liquor license.
Keep in mind that completing all eight steps to obtain a Napa liquor license may take time, so in order to make the process efficient, be sure to follow the steps as best you can. These eight steps are mandated by the California Department of ABC.
While the California government has its own regulations, you must abide by, always check with your local municipality government to see what rules they may have regarding purchasing or selling a liquor license in Napa County. Some municipalities have their own regulations, such as zoning permits (CUP’s). Doing all this extra leg work ahead of time will help accelerate the process of acquiring your Napa liquor license.
We know that strong competition exists in the market for Napa alcohol licenses. Our team of expert alcohol license brokers at Liquor License Auctioneers prides ourselves on having a reputable business model with honest business tactics. See our available Napa alcohol license on our bidding platform, and purchase one today. If you don’t see a liquor license that you are looking for, reach out to us, and we can find the specific Napa alcohol permit, or you can feel free to check back frequently as our auction platform updates in real-time.
Our unique online bidding platform for Napa liquor licenses launched in 2012 and was started by a former California Alcoholic Beverage Control Investigator. At Liquor License Auctioneers, our priority is to supply liquor licenses at auction at fair prices - whether you are buying or selling Napa alcohol permits. View all currently available Napa liquor licenses up for auction, and buy an alcohol license in Napa County now.
The procedure of acquiring a Napa liquor license can be an inconvenience for a busy establishment owner because of the time it takes to secure an alcohol permit in Napa County. When you work with Liquor License Auctioneers, our expert alcohol permit brokers will assist you in buying or selling a Napa liquor license with ethical and speedy service. To start the process of obtaining a Napa County liquor license, please call us at 818.345.2226, or send us an email.