Give Us A Call 818.345.2226
6d, 7h, 57m

License & Auction Fees included

5d, 17h, 1m

License & Auction Fees included

4d, 3h, 29m

License & Auction Fees included

21h, 23m

License & Auction Fees included

6d, 10h, 27m

License & Auction Fees included

Buy your Union County Type 33 liquor license any time of day or night. Check pricing, make an offer, or buy now – it's the same Type 33 liquor license you'd get from the New Jersey Department of Alcohol Beverage Control. Limited to Union, the NJ Type 33 liquor license. Permits restaurants, bars, and nightclubs to sell all liquor -- beer, wine and spirits -- for on-site consumption, as well as beer and wine "to go" for off-site consumption.