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California Frequently Asked Questions

If my application is protested, how long will it take for me to open my business ?

California ABC Protested applications can take up to 95 days or longer. California protested applications can take up to 95 days or longer. However, if ABC has recommended approval of the license, the applicant may petition for an Interim Retail Permit. This allows the business to operate pending the protest hearing and any appeal. The fee for the permit is $100. It is good for up to 120 days subject to renewals. There is no property right in the permit. (Section 24044.5) Ordinarily a protest hearing will be held. It will be held in the county seat of the county in which the premises is located. However, if an official protest is made by the governing body of a city, the hearing shall be held within such city. (Section 24300 and Government Code Section 11508)