How does Liquor License Auctioneers’ website solve the seller’s concerns?
No Fees to List or Sell Your Alcoholic Beverage License— Its always free to list and sell your alcoholic beverage license using Liquor License Auctioneers’ website!
Historical Transaction Information— Know the approximate true fair market value of your alcoholic beverage license prior to selling it! We show you the most recent, county recorded transactions, for the same type of license your selling in the particular county your selling it in— Free!
Sellers Never Pay Business Broker Fees— When selling an alcoholic beverage license using Liquor License Auctioneers’ website, sellers never pay business broker fees— Ever!
Sellers Never Pay Escrow Fees— When selling an alcoholic beverage license on Liquor License Auctioneers’ website, sellers never pay escrow fees— Ever!
Transparency and Elimination of the Middleman— A buyer's direct purchase from the seller means you set your own asking price, not a business broker, consultant or finder. Sellers know what buyers are actually paying for their alcoholic beverage licenses. No Business Broker fees to Pay— Ever!
Free Advertising— We pay to continuously advertise your alcoholic beverage license listing on Google, Yahoo & Bing, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, Free of charge, until it sells!
Sellers set their own asking price— Now you know the exact amount of your asking price and minimum selling price for your alcoholic beverage license because you set the asking price and reserve price, Not a Business Broker, Consultant or Finder!
Regulatory Assistance— In the event a taxing authority has a hold on an alcoholic beverage license in escrow, the escrow company preferred by Liquor License Auctioneers, will act as a liaison between the seller/tax payer and the taxing authority to facilitate the release of the tax hold and the subsequent issuance of the alcoholic beverage license to the new buyer. (Neither Liquor License Auctioneers or the preferred independent third party escrow company make any express or implied warranties or representation concerning any pending tax liens, the amounts thereof, whether or not the applicable taxing authority will release their tax lien and/or the amount it will take to obtain a release of any such lien).
A Quick and Efficient Transaction— Immediately after the auction fee and license deposit are placed on the alcoholic beverage license, (within 24 hours of the auctions close) the seller will receive the buyers contact information by email or fax along with contact escrow instructions.
No Stress or Pressure— To sell your alcoholic beverage license using our Liquor License Auctioneers’ website. We want you to be successful. We will help you with any questions you may have before, during or after the auction process.