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Florida Frequently Asked Questions

What are bar snacks?

"Customary bar snack" means popcorn and any ready to eat food item, commercially prepared and packaged off the premises, served without addition or preparation that is not a potentially hazardous food. The definition of potentially hazardous food, provided in subparagraph 1-201.10(B)(61), Food Code, 1999 Recommendations of the United States Public Health Service/Food and Drug Administration, incorporated herein by reference, shall apply to Chapter 61AER03-1, F.A.C.
Customary bar snacks include:
"Pre-packaged or bulk items": chips (potato, plantain, yucca, etc.), pretzels, nuts, crackers, trail mix, party mix, and pork rinds, and the like.

"Pickled items": eggs, pickles, pigs feet and sausages.

The above may be provided without charge, but may also be provided for sale.